Moje svako putovanje u inostranstvo svodilo se na to da kada ugledam L'Occitane prodavnicu ,udjem i zaboravim na vreme...posle moraju da me izvlace napolje uz moje uslovljavanje...cekaj jos ovo da uzmem ,ili vidi samo kako ovo mirise...Malo je reći da obozavam ovu kozmeticku kucu i da mi je drago da necu morati da cekam svoje sledece putovanje, vec da mi je sve ovo dostupno vec nekoliko meseci u Beogradu.https://www.facebook.com/loccitanesrbija
L’Occitane priča počinje u Provansi 1976. godine, koju je započeo Olivije Bosan. Donoseći inspiraciju iz mediteranske kulture, razvio je proizvode za negu lica i tela, i privlačne, prirodne i autentične mirise.
L'OCCITANE vam donosi magiju Provanse, uhvaćenu u jedinstvenim proizvodima za negu kože i mirisima napravljenim od najfinijih i najefikasnijih tradicionalnih sastojaka. Inspirisani čuvenom provansalskom umetnošću života, L'OCCITANE prozvodi su bogati aktivnim sastojcima i divnog su mirisa. L'Occitane sadrzi u kolekcijama :Shea puter,Smilje,Vrbenu,Maslinovo ulje,Lavandu,Med,Badem,Zeleni caj,Beli caj,Bonne Mere,Narandzu,Cvetnu tresnju,Ruzu,Vanilu,...ja na primer koristim sampon i regenerator od Vrbene,kosa mi predivno mirise i ne opada,sija se i imam onaj osecaj kad je pipnem kao kad sam bila dete,kada je bila nefarbana,zdrava i neostecena.
A smilje...ja nisam znala sta je...a raste mi u dvoristu,predivno mirise,zacinski, i da znate da ga koriste kao zamenu za curry ( zacin)...
Sto se tice Lavande,mislim da nema potrebe da vam opisujem jednu od najmirisljavijih biljaka na svetu...stavljam je svuda po kuci,osusim i stavim u male vrecice od gaze i poguram u ormare,medju garderobu i posteljinu...vrecica mirise i nakon tri godine stajanja.U L' Occitanu sam pronasla vrecice za auto ,imaju oooodlicneeee sa mirisom Lavande i Vrbene...
Stoje mi u autu i odaju utisak da sam u svom prirodnom okruzenju,relaksiraju ,osvezavaju i kad god udjem u kola pozelim da se odmah odvezem pravac mora...I kad je tmuran dan ,miris te vrati u neko predivno lenjo ,letnje vece provedeno na terasi uz sum talasa...
Cega god da se dotaknete iz ove bogate kolekcije ,necete zazaliti,koza posle ovih proizvoda ostaje meka,barsunasta,odnegovana,svilena i opojno mirise..
Sapuni su predivni,dugotrajni i ne isusuju kozu sto je slucaj sa vecinom kupovnih sapuna.Moram da napomenem da sam boraveci u Porto Montenegru u hotelu "Regent "
,bila u prilici da koristim L'Occitanove proizvode,kada jedan tako eminentni kompleks ima saradnju sa ovim proizvodjacem kozmetike,jasno je koji kvalitet i preporuke zasluzuje.
Na ovoj slici se u dnu vide proizvodi od Vrbene ( slikano u Regent Hotelu Porto Montenegro )
Recenziju o nekom od ovih proizvoda ocekujte u nekom d sledecih postova.U medjuvremenu mi pisite koji proizvod od L'Occitana vi koristite i sta mislite o ovim proizvodima ? Poljubac
From Provence to Porto Montenegro
Every one of my travels abroad ends up with me going in to an L'Occitane shop, and forgetting about time. Later they have to drag me out of the shop under my conditions. "Wait, let me just take this" or "Let me see how this smells!". It's an understatement saying that I love this brand, and that I'm glad that I won't have to wait untill my next travel to go there, because all of this will be available to me and everyone in a couple of months in Belgrade. https://www.facebook.com/loccitanesrbija
L'Occitane story begins in Provance, France, in the year 1976, which was started by Olivier Baussan. Inspired by mediterranean culture, he developed products for the care of the face and body, with attractive, natural and authentic smells.
L;OCCITANE brings you the magic of Provance, captured in simple products for the care of skin and smells made from the best and most efficient traditional ingredients. Inspired by the sacred Provancian art of life, L'OCCITANE products are rich with active ingredients and they are of wonderful smell. L'Occitane contains in their collections: Shea butter, Olive oil, lavender, honey, nuts, green tea, white tea, orange, roses, vanilla... For example I only use shampoo and hair regenerator made from Vervain, and my hair smells amazing and it doesn't fall off, it shines and I have the feeling that when I touch it, it's like I'm touching my hair from when I was a child, when it was natural, healthy and not damaged.
And immortelle... I had no idea what it was, even though it grows in my backyard. It smells wonderfully, and it is used as a alternative for curry.
For those who don't know what immortelle would be. That is when you go on vacation, and you go near the sea, and through the hot air, a sudden smell of nature hits you. It's usually from rocks. You think it is because you finally are out of the city, and off the airport, and you would be right. But only partially, that is because you came to a part where immortelle grows. It is a indistinguishable plant - for many. A short green bush which grows naturally right next to the sea, on top of a rock or a small part of dirt. It survives even though it is on the hot sun, and without any water. Even in August, you can find it's flower. Even though it mainly grows in July, and that with a yellow flower with a defining intense smell. The flower dries up and the dried up flowers smell through out the entire year, and with the same intensity. But this immortelle isn't used for cosmetics, but the one from the south of Italy. That is a more 'premium' sort, so to say. That is why hair regeneration and eternal youth products use immortelle. Because this plant survives everything, the furnace of the Sun, on the little dust and water that it lives on, and it's always beautiful and smells wonderful.
And Lavender.. Well I don't think there is any need to explain one of the best smelling plants on the earth. I plant it all over the house, dry it up and put it in to little bags, and leave them in wardrobes and closets. The bag smells even after three years of life. In L'Occitane I found bags for the house, and they have amaaazing ones with the smell of lavender and vervain. They are in my car, and leave the impression that I am in nature. They relax and whenever I enter my car, I want to immediately drive to the sea. And when the day is bad, the smell brings you to this amazing, lazy state, and you feel like you're on a balcony on a calm summer night, with the sound of waves in the backgrounds.
Whatever you touch from this rich collection, you won't regret it. Skin after these products stays soft, smooth and silk like. And did I mention that it smells wonderful!
The soaps are amazing, they last long and they don't destroy the skin, which is the case with most soaps. I have to say that when I was at Porto Montenegro in the hotel "Regent"
I was able to use L'Occitane products, and when such a complex has teamed up with this cosmetic company, it is easy to see the quality of the products, and it deserves much more praise than it has.
A review of some of these products, you can expect soon. In the meantime please write what L'Occitane product, if any, you use, and what you think of the products! xo xo!